Monday, November 24, 2008

wintry reverie

There is something about knowing that Christmastime is drawing closer that makes everything infinitely better. It is as if the sparkling lights and roaring fires have magic over all the monstrosities present in your life. There is nothing as restorative as huddling under blankets and near vents with stacks of beloved books. Escaping winter’s bite with steaming cups of cocoa. I’ve been drinking ungodly amounts of cocoa lately and all of it in festive Holiday mugs. All whilst desecrating the virgin pages of my journal with sketches of mermaids and sonnets that shall never be finished. I am a solitary creature, and even more so when nighttime begins to fall earlier than it did the day before. During these interludes, I am utterly content to be surrounded by nothing but my music, my literature, and dozens of creative ventures that are crying to be conquered.

This Christmas season I dedicate myself to be a Narnian wholly. I shall intently pray for snow, bundle up for all occasions, light too many candles, and befriend pleasant strangers. In fact, I made a new acquaintance the other night when I went to see a play by myself. He told me all sorts of things I never would have known by just looking at him. I will try to not just look from this moment on.

What are your favorite Christmas movies? Mine are Little Women, A Muppet Christmas Carol, Elf, White Christmas, and The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe. I’m sure I am forgetting some. This truly is the most darling time of year.


Atomsam said...

I love Narnia and hot coca and your new banner/picture and your music choices and how you write and cold winters and i hate distance :)

Jennifer said...

I totally agree. Hooray for Narnia and hot cocoa and bundling up all nice and warm indoors with a stack of wonderful books!

natalie said...

I love The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
Sadly, i have misplaced the dvd.

I agree, befriending strangers is a great thing.

tiffany;; said...

To all my lovely commentees: I watched The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe today and thought of all of you. I hope your Thanksgiving day was festive and filling! :)

Yu-yin said...

Love Actually :-) I like smiling at sad-looking strangers, or any stranger in fact. And milk. I love milk. And your writing. It's amazing. I wish I could peek into your head and see how lovely the world/life truely is through your eyes.

tiffany;; said...

It warms my heart that you enjoy my little writings. It's nice to know there are like minds out in the world somewhere, even if they aren't very near. :)

I haven't seen Love Actually in a while, but I remember really enjoying it. My favorite storyline was the one with the little boy.

Marty Beale said...

I totally agree. Hooray for Narnia and hot cocoa and bundling up all nice and warm indoors with a stack of wonderful books!